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Image by Carolyn V


"Who am I?" - I think this is a question we are all trying to answer for ourselves. Me too - I'm still figuring it out. And that's okay.


I am a Muslim. I am a Woman. I am a Doctor. I am a Writer. I am a Teacher. I am a Student. I am a Daughter and a Sister. I am a Friend.


But do these things define me? Do they tell you who I am? I don't think so.


Sometimes, we struggle to find the words to describe and explain who and what we are. And I think it's because of the infinite possibility for man and woman to be whoever they want to be and do whatever they dream to do. Ultimately, the reason we struggle to box ourselves into descriptive parameters is because we are always SO MUCH MORE.


What makes me, ME? What in this world sets my soul on fire and pulls at my heart and ignites my mind? These are just some of the questions I wish to answer.


And what is life but a journey of self-discovery? Join me on that journey as I quest to discover who I really am - maybe you'll find out who you truly are too...?





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