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Finding him - the elusive 'One'. We all go through the ups and downs of romantic relationships in silence, each time feeling as though our experiences are unique to us. But the endless number of songs, movies and books telling tales of love and loss are proof enough that our feelings, our experiences, and the choices (oft times confusing ones!) we make in our romantic lives are shared by every other soul on the planet. Everyone can relate! Why, then, do we discuss our love-lives in hushed tones only with our closest friends, or not at all? Why, then, do we laugh alone and cry alone? When love - and the timeless quest to find the elusive but true kind - is shared by all humanity? Isn't it time we talked about love, loudly? 

Perhaps reading and hearing yourself say "me too!" will provide you the relief and comfort you're searching for, knowing you are not alone in your experiences... 

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